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Embark on a Sacred Path with Brenda: Explore Healing and Meditation Practices

Brenda Stevens, a practitioner in King Solomon’s lineage, is a Healer, Ritual Master, and Kabbalist, dedicated to guiding others towards healing and enlightenment. She offers various transformative services including Life Activation, Aura and Chakra Balancing, and Crystal Healings. Brenda also fosters mindfulness in both adults and children through meditation sessions and MINI Me Yoga programs.

Brenda Stevens; Empowering Healing and Exploration

Now residing in Johannesburg, Brenda's commitment to community service led her to volunteer as a life skills educator at the Family Life Centre Parkwood during her children's upbringing. She treasures the bonds formed with inspiring women during this period, all dedicated to serving the community.

Fueled by her passion for learning, Brenda continues to deepen her expertise in alternative healing methods. Trained in the Modern Mystery School and proficient in Bach Flower Remedies, she's currently honing her skills in Trauma Release Therapy. With over three decades of experience, Brenda's natural teaching ability drives her mission to empower individuals to heal and enhance their lives.

Healing Hearts, Exploring Horizons.

After losing my twin flame, I was trapped in a cycle of anguish and despair, consumed by the shadows of my past. Through the transformative journey of cord cutting, life activation, soul activation, and spiritual detox, I found a profound sense of release and renewal. Each session felt like a gentle recalibration of my soul, guiding me towards inner peace and healing. Today, I stand empowered, liberated from the chains of my past, and ready to embrace a future filled with light and possibility. This experience has truly been life-changing, and I am eternally grateful for the guidance and support I received.

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During my recent travels abroad, I found myself grappling with intense wrist pain from lugging heavy suitcases through Brazilian airports. Fortunately, I had the profound opportunity to receive an Ensofic Ray treatment from Brenda. Initially, there was some lingering sensitivity in the first hour post-healing, but to my astonishment, upon awakening the following morning, the pain had vanished entirely! I marveled at the swift and potent efficacy of a remedy that typically demands more than a week of medical intervention to alleviate. What's more, despite continued travel with comparable luggage, the pain has not resurfaced.


Confronting the prospect of a recent medical procedure, I braced myself for the anticipated side effects—strange tastes, loss of balance, and bouts of dizziness—along with the likelihood of an overnight hospital stay. In a bid to mitigate these challenges, Brenda graciously offered a pre-operative Reiki session to bolster my post-operative recovery. To my utter amazement, not only did I sidestep any side effects, but the need for an overnight hospital stay evaporated. The transformative power of Brenda's intervention left me not only physically restored but profoundly grateful for her healing touch.


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a better life

a better life

a better life

a better life

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7 Bruce Street
Johannesburg, SA

+27 84 342 7555